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Time Warp

The Misadventures of Milton

Is Big4's first android game for all ages!!!

Time Warp The Misadventures of Milton is a top down maze game built for mobile devices. In Time Warp The Misadventures of Milton you are a scientist working on an experimental project, when the unthinkable happens. A wormhole opens up and teleports you throughout time at random. 
This game takes advantage of your mobile devices accelerometer. This entails that when you move your phone or device one way your character will move that direction.


Cut-Scene Images!!!

Time Warp 1

Time Warp 2

Time Warp 3

Time Warp 4

Screen Shots!!!

Time Warp 5

Time Warp 6

Time Warp 7


To Check out Time Warp go to the Google Play store on your android devices, or Click Here to take you to the Google Play Store.